Get The Look : Emoji Edition

It's no secret by now that emoji's are a staple in the world of cellular communication.  Many rely on these miniature facial expressions, unicorns, tacos, lightning bolts, etc. as a main source of expression when it comes to drafting a text.  Without them we would be lost! For example, how else could we explain :Screen Shot 2015-12-02 at 5.10.22 PM ?? Okay, so you could use your words - but where's the fun in that?

Technology aside, you may or may not have noticed a quirky new twist on customization through the "emoji fashion" trend.  Everyone from bloggers to off-duty models have been seen wearing their emotions on their sleeves, so to speak ;).


While we must give props to fashionistas, spending upwards of $300 big ones on these happy face handbags would leave most of us with cobwebs in our wallet, and a frown on our face.  However, all is not lost!  You can still add these fun pieces to your wardrobe  without paying $$$. In the case of Emoji Fashion vs. Wallets World-Over, Kipling's got some on-trend options for you to "get the look" for much, much less.

Ranging in price from $19.99 - $120.00, these Kipling styles represent only a fraction of the possibilities for both monogram and emoji customizations.  So head on over to our monogram shop at, get your creative juices flowing, and of course #makehappy.  ;)